Select institution to transfer credits from:
--- Select Institution ---
A-Level Pearson Edexcel, London, United Kingdom
Abilene Christian University, TX
Abraham Baldwin Agri College, Tifton, GA
Accra Polytechnic, Ghana
Accra Technical University, Ghana
Adams State University, Alamosa, CO
Adelphi University, Garden City, NY
Adirondack Community College, Queensbury, NY
Adrian College, MI
Adriatic Union College, Marusevac, Croatia
Adv Sem W Afr (Use C01821), Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria
Adv Univ of Central Africa, Kigali, Rwanda
Adv Univ of West Africa, Monrovia, Liberia
Adv Univ of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines
Advanced Academic Standing
AdventHealth University, Orlando, FL
Adventist Univ Zurcher, Antsiribe, Madagascar
Adventist Univ of Health Scien, Orlando, FL
Adventist Univ of Philippines, Manila 1099, Philippines
Aims Community College, Greeley, CO
Air Link Int Aviation College, Pasay City, Philippines
Air Univ-Comm College of AF, Gunter Annex, AL
Akanu Ibiam Fed Polytechnic, Afikpo, Ebonyi State, Nigeria
Al Ghurair University, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Alabama A & M Univ, Normal, AL
Albany Technical College, GA
Albion College, MI
Albright College, Reading, PA
Albuquerque Tech Vocation Inst, NM
Alcorn State University, Lorman, MS
Allan Hancock College, Santa Maria, CA
Allegany College of Maryland, Cumberland, MD
Alma College, MI
Alpena Community College, MI
Amazon Adventist College, Benevides, Brazil
Ambassador University, Big Sandy, TX
American InterContinental Univ, Atlanta, GA
American InterContinental Univ, Hoffman Estates, IL
American InterContinental Univ, Los Angeles, CA
American Military University, Charles Town, WV
American Public University Sys, Charles Town, WV
American River College, Sacramento, CA
American Samoa Community Coll, Pago Pago, AS
American Univ Science & Techno
American University Beirut, Lebanon
American University Cairo, Egypt
American University Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
American University, Washington, DC
Anderson University, IN
Andhra University, Andhra Pradesh, India
Andrew College, Cuthbert, GA
Anne Arundel Community College, Maryland, MD
Anoka-Ramsey Com Col, Coon Rapids, MN
Antelope Valley College, Lancaster, CA
Antigua Barbuda International, Coolidge, St Goerge's, Antigua and Barbuda
Antigue & Barbuda Hosp Train I
Antonelli Institute, Erdenheim, PA
Aoyama Gakuin Women's Jun Coll, Tokyo, Japan
Appalachian State University, Boone, NC
Aquinas College, Grand Rapids, MI
Argosy University - Phoenix, AZ
Argosy University - Schaumburg, Chicago, IL
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Arizona Western College, Phoenix, AZ
Arkansas Technical University, Russellville, AR
Armstrong State College, Savannah, GA
Armstrong University/Berkeley, CA
Army American Council on Educ, Washington, DC
Art Institute Fort Lauderdale, FL
Art Institute Seattle, WA
Art Institute of California, San Diego, CA
Art Institute of Ft Lauderdale, FL
Art Institute of Ohio - Cinnci, Cincinnati, OH
Art Institute of Pittsburgh, PA
Art Instruction Schools, Minneapolis, MN
Asbury College, Wilmore, KY
Asheville-Buncombe Tech Comm, NC
Ashford University, San Diego, CA
Ashworth College, Norcross, GA
Asia Pacific International Uni, Mauk Lek, Saraburi, Thailand
Asia-Pacific Int Univ, Muak Lek, Saraburi, Thailand
Ass Brd Ryl Schools Music, London, United Kingdom
Assessment & Qualifications Al, Manchester, England
Ateneo De Davao University
Athabasca University, AB, Canada
Athens Technical College, GA
Atlanta Metropolitan College, GA
Atlantic Cape Comm College, Mays Landing, NJ
Atlantic Union College, South Lancaster, MA
Auckland Technical Institute, New Zealand
Augusta State University, GA
Augustana Coll - South Dakota, Sioux Falls, SD
Aurora University, IL
Austin Community College, TX
Avondale College, Cooranbong NSW 2265, Australia
Azusa Pacific University, CA
BTEC-Bus and Tech Ed Council
Baba Farid Univ Health Science, Faridkot, India
Bahamas Tech & Voc Inst, Nassau, Bahamas
Baker College of Auburn Hills, MI
Baker College, Flint, MI
Bakersfield College, CA
Bakersfield College, CA
Ball State University, Muncie, IN
Baltimore City Comm College, MD
Bandung Institute of Tech, Indonesia
Barbados Community College, St Michael, Barbados
Bard College, Annandle Hdsn, NY
Barnard College, New York, NY
Barton Community College, Great Bend, KS
Baruch College, New York, NY
Baton Rouge Community College, LA
Bauder College, Atlanta, GA
Bay State College, Boston, MA
Bay de Noc Community College, Escanaba, MI
Baylor University, Waco, TX
Becker College, Worcester, MA
Beijing Second Foreign Lang In, China
Belize Adventist Junior Coll, Corozal, Belize
Bellarmine College, Louisville, KY
Bellevue College, NE
Bellevue Community College, WA
Belmont University, Nashville, TN
Bemidji State University, MN
Benedictine University, Lisle, IL
Bergen Community College, Paramus, NJ
Berkeley College, New York, NY
Berklee College Music, Boston, MA
Berkshire Community College, Pittsfield, MA
Bermuda College, Paget PG BX, Bermuda
Bethel College, Mishawaka, IN
Bethune-Cookman University, Daytona Beach, FL
Biola University, La Mirada, CA
Birla Inst Tech Sci (India), Rajasthan, India
Bismarck State College, ND
Black Hills Health & Educ Ctr, Hermosa, SD
Blackburn College, Carlinville, IL
Blackhawk Tech, Janesville, WI
Blinn College, Brenham, TX
Bloomfield College, NJ
Blue Mountain Comm College, Pendleton, OR
Blue Mtn Community College, Pendleton, OR
Blue Ridge Community College, Flat Rock, NC
Blue Ridge Community College, Weyers Cave, VA
Bluefield College, VA
Bluefields Indian Carib Univ, Nicaragua
Bluegrass Comm & Tech Coll, Lexington, KY
Boise State University, ID
Boreal College, Sudbury, ON, Canada
Borough of Manhattan Community, New York, NY
Bossier Parish Community Coll, Bossier City, LA
Boston Architectural College, MA
Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA
Boston University, MA
Boston University, Paris, France
Bowie State University, MD
Bowling Green State University, OH
Bradley University, Peoria, IL
Bramson Ort College, Forest Hills, NY
Brandman University, Irvine, CA
Brevard College, NC
Brevard Community College, Cocoa, FL
Bridgewater College, VA
Bridgewater State University, MA
Brigham Young University, Provo, UT
Brightwood Career Institute, Harrisburg, PA
Bristol Community College, Fall River, MA
Bronx Community College, NY
Brookdale Community College, Lincroft, NJ
Brookhaven College, Dallas, TX
Brooklyn College, NY
Broome Community College, Binghamton, NY
Broward College, Coconut Creek, FL
Broward College, Ft Lauderdale, FL
Brown Mackie Coll - South Bend, IN
Brown Mackie College, Salina, KS
Bryan College, Dayton, TN
Bryant & Stratton College (Business Ins), Rochester, NY
Bucks County Community College, Newtown, PA
Buena Vista University, Storm Lake, IA
Bunker Hill Community College, Boston, MA
Burlington County College, Pemberton, NJ
Burman University, Lacombe, AB, Canada
Butler Community College, El Dorado, KS
Butler County Commun College, PA
Butler University, Indianapolis, IN
Butte College, Oroville, CA
CEGEP Lionel Groulx, Sainte-Therese, QC, Canada
CEGEP d'Ahuntsic, Montreal, QC, Canada
CEGEP du Vieux - Montreal, Canada
CUNY - La Guardia Comm Collg, Long Is City, NY
CUNY - York College, Jamaica, NY
CUNY Hostos Community College, Bronx, NY
CUNY Lehman College, Bronx, NY
Cabrillo College, Aptos, CA
Caldwell Comm Col Tech Inst, Hudson, NC
Calhoun Community College, Decatur, AL
California Baptist College, Riverside, CA
California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, CA
California Southern Univ, Irvine, CA
California State Polytechnic U, Pomona, CA
California State U San Marcos, CA
California State Uni Monterey, Seaside, CA
California State Univ Bakersfl, Bakersfield, CA
California State Univ Chico, CA
California State Univ Fresno, CA
California State Univ Fullertn, Fullerton, CA
California State Univ Hayward, CA
California State Univ Long Bea, Long Beach, CA
California State Univ Los Ange, Los Angeles, CA
California State Univ San Brnd, San Bernardino , CA
California State Univ Stansls, Turlock, CA
California State Univ-Channel, Camarillo, CA
California Univ Pennsylvania, PA
Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI
Cambridge Assess Intl Edu, United Kingdom
Cambridge Interntl College, Jersey Britain, England
Camden County College, Blackwood, NJ
Cameron University, Lawton, OK
Campbell University, Buies Creek, NC
Campus Adv de Saleve Collonges, France
Canadian University Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Canyon College, CA, Carmichael, CA
Cape Breton University, Sydney, NS, Canada
Cape Coast Polytechnic, Ghana
Cape Cod Community College, W Barnstable, MA
Capella University, Minneapolis, MN
Capital Community College, Hartford, CT
Capital Community-Technical Co, Hartford, CT
Capital University, Columbus, OH
Caribbean Union College, Port-Of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Caribbean University, Bayamon, PR
Caritas Francis HSU, New Territories, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Carl Sandburg College, Galesburg, IL
Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Carolinas College of Health Sc, Charlotte, NC
Carroll College, Waukesha, WI
Carroll Community College, Westminster, MD
Casper College, WY
Catawba Valley Comm Col, Hickory, NC
Catholic Univ College of Ghana, Brong-Ahafo, Ghana
Cayman Prep, George Town, Cayman Islands
Cayuga County Community Colleg, Auburn, NY
Cecil Community College, North East, MD
Cedar Crest College, Allentown, PA
Cedar Valley College, Lancaster, TX
Cedarville College, OH
Centennial College, Scarborough, ON, Canada
Central Arizona College, Coolidge, AZ
Central Carolina Community Col, Sanford, NC
Central Carolina Tech College, Sumter, SC
Central Christ Coll of Bible, Moberly, MO
Central City Business Inst, Syracuse, NY
Central College, Pella, IA
Central Community College, Grand Island, NE
Central Michigan University, Mt Pleasant, MI
Central New Mexico Comm Col, Albuquerque, NM
Central Ohio Technical College, Newark, OH
Central Oregon Comm College, Bend, OR
Central Philippine Adv College, 6100 Bacolod City, Philippines
Central Piedmont Community Col, Charlotte, NC
Central Texas College, Killeen, TX
Central University, Accra, Ghana
Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA
Centro Adventista de Centro Am, Alajuela, Costa Rica
Centro Escolar University, San Miguel, Manila, Philippines
Centro Estudios Universitarios, Monterrey, Mexico
Centro Univ Adv de Sao Paulo, Brazil
Century College, White Bear Lake, MN
Cerritos College, Norwalk, CA
Chabot College, Hayward, CA
Chaffey College, Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Chamberlain College of Nursing, St. Louis, MO
Champlain Reg Col - St Lambert, Saint-Lambert, QC
Chandler/Gilbert Comm College, AZ
Chapman University, Orange, CA
Charles Stewart Mott Comm Col, Flint, MI
Charter Oak State College
Chatfield College, St Martin, OH
Chattahoochee Technical Inst, Marietta, GA
Chattahoochee Valley Comm Col, Phenix City, AL
Chattanooga State Communit Col, TN
Chemeketa Community College, Salem, OR
Chesapeake College, Wye Mills, MD
Chicago State University, IL
Chinese Univ of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Hong Kong
Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA
Chungbuk National University
Cincinnati State Tech & Cm Col, OH
Circleville Bible College (Ohio Chris Univ), OH
Citrus College, Azusa, CA
City College Fort Lauderdale, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
City College New York, NY
City College of San Francisco, CA
City Colleges Chicago-Truman, IL
City Colleges of Chicago - Harold Washington College, IL
City Univ of NY - York, Jamaica, NY
City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Clackamas Community College, Oregon City, WA
Clark College, Vancouver, WA
Clark State Community College, Springfield, OH
Cleary University, Ann Arbor, MI
Cleveland State Comm College, TN
Cleveland State University, OH
Clinical Officer Training Ctr, Mtwara, Tanzania
Clinton Community College, IA
Clover Park Tech College, Lakewood, WA
Clovis Community College, NM
Coastal Carolina Community Col, Jacksonville, NC
Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC
Coastal Pines Tech College, Waycross, GA
Coastline Community College, Fountain Valley, CA
Cochise College, Douglas, AZ
Col Univ Rafael Belloso Chacin, Maracibo, Venezuela
Colby Community College, KS
Colegio UNASP, São Paulo, Brazil
Colegio Univ del Este, Carolina, PR
Colegio de las Antillas, Mayaguez, PR
College Notre Dame Maryland, Baltimore, MD
College Saint Catherine, St Paul, MN
College Saint Scholastica, Duluth, MN
College Staten Island/Cuny, NY
College de Maisonneuve, Montréal, QC, Canada
College of Alameda, CA
College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, IL
College of Eastern Utah, Price, UT
College of Health & Well-Being, Kintampo, Ghana
College of Lake County, Grayslake, IL
College of Marin, Kentfield, CA
College of Micronesia - FSM, Kolonia, Pohnpei, FM
College of Mount Saint Vincent, Riverdale, NY
College of New Caledonia, Prince George, BC, Canada
College of Southern Idaho, Twin Falls, ID
College of Southern Maryland, LaPlata, MD
College of Western Idaho, Nampa, ID
College of the Albemarle, Elizabeth City, NC
College of the Bahamas, Nassau, Bahamas
College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
College of the Redwoods, Eureka, CA
College of the Rockies, Cranbrook, BC, Canada
College of the Sequoias, Visalia, CA
Collin County Community Coll., Plano, TX
Colorado Christian Univ, Lakewood, CO
Colorado Mesa University, Grand Junction, CO
Colorado Northwestern Comm Col, Rangely, CO
Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
Colorado St Univ-Global, Greenwood Village, CO
Colorado State Univ - Pueblo, CO
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
Colorado Technical University, Colorado Springs, CO
Columbia Basin College, Pasco, WA
Columbia College, Chicago, IL
Columbia College, MO
Columbia College, SC
Columbia Southern University, Orange Beach, AL
Columbia State Comm College, TN
Columbus State Community Coll, OH
Comm Col of Baltimore County, Cantonsville, MD
Comm Col of Baltimore Cty, Catonsville, MD
Comm College Air Force, Montgomery, AL
Comm College of Aurora, CO
Comm College of Philadelphia, PA
Comm College of Rhode Island, Warwick, RI
Commonwealth Technical Inst, Johnstown, PA
Community Coll of Philadelphia, PA
Community Coll. Aurora, CO
Community College of Aurora, CO
Community College of Denver, CO
Community College of S Nevada, N Las Vegas, NV
Community College of Vermont, Waterbury, VT
Compton Community College, CA
Concordia University Wisconsin, Mequon, WI
Concordia University, Irvine, CA
Concordia University, River Forest, IL
Concordia University, St Paul, MN
Connecticut State Community College, New Britain, CT
Contra Costa College, San Pablo, CA
Cooking Hospital Inst Chicago, IL
Coosa Valley Technical College, Calhoun, GA
Copper Mountain College, Joshua Tree, CA
Coppin State College, Baltimore, MD
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Cornerstone College, Grand Rapids, MI
Corning Community College, NY
Corporacion Universitaria Adve, Medellin, Colombia
Cossatot Comm College U of A, De Queen, AR
Cosumnes River College, Sacramento, CA
Council Adult Exper Learn CAEL, Chicago, IL
County College of Morris, Randolph, NJ
Covenant College, Lookout Mtn, GA
Cowley County Comm College, Arkansas City, KS
Crafton Hills College, Yucaipa, CA
Craven Community College, New Bern, NC
Crossroads College, Rochester, MN
Crowder College, Neosho, MO
Crown College, St Bonifacius, MN
Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo, CA
Cumberland County College, Vineland, NJ
Cuyahoga Community College, Cleveland, OH
Cypress College, CA
DSST-Dantes Subj Standardized
Daekyeung University, Gyeongsan, Gyeongsangbuk, Korea (Republic) (S)
Dakota State University, Madison, SD
Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
Dallas Baptist University, TX
Dallas College, TX
Dallas County Comm Coll, TX
Dalton College, GA
Danville Community College, VA
Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
Darton State College, Albany, GA
Davenport College, Grand Rapids, MI
Davenport University (Davenport College prior to Fall 2003), Grand Rapids, MI
Davidson County Comm Coll, Lexington, NC
Dawson College, Westmount, QC
Daytona Beach Comm College, FL
De La Salle University, Das Marinas, Cavite, Philippines
De Montfort Univ, Leicester, England
De Paul University, Chicago, IL
DeAnza College, Cupertino, CA
DeSales University, Center Valley, PA
DeVry Institute/Chicago, Oakbrook Terr, IL
DeVry Univ - Long Beach, CA
DeVry University/Chicago, IL
Deakin Universtiy, Vic 3217, Australia
Del Mar College, Corpus Christi, TX
Delaware College Art & Design, Wilmington, DE
Delaware County Community Col, Media, PA
Delaware State University, Dover, DE
Delaware Technical and Com Col, Newark, DE
Delgado Community College, Las Vegas, NV
Delgado Community College, New Orleans, LA
Delta College, University Center, MI
Delta State University, Cleveland, MS
Denmark Advanced Standing
Denmark Technical College, SC
Depauw University, Greencastle, IN
Des Moines Area Community Coll, Ankeny, IA
Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, CA
Doane University, Crete, NE
Dodge City Community College, KS
Dominica State College, Roseau, Dominica
Dominican College of Blauvelt (NY), Orangeburg, NY
Dominican University (IL), River Forest, IL
Doral College, FL
Drew University, Madison, NJ
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Durban University of Technolog, South Africa
Durham College, Oshawa, ON, Canada
Durham Technical Comm Col, NC
Dutchess Community College, Poughkeepsie, NY
ECPI College of Technology, NEWPORT NEWS, VA
East Arkansas Community Collg, Forrest City, AR
East Carolina University, Greenville, NC
East Central College, Union, MO
East Missis Comm Coll-Gold Tri, Mayhew, MS
East Stroudsburg Univ Penn, E Stroudsburg, PA
East Stroudsburg University, PA
East Tennessee State Univ, Johnson City, TN
Eastern Arizona College, Thatcher, AZ
Eastern Florida State College, Cocoa, FL
Eastern Gateway Comm College, Steubenville, OH
Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL
Eastern Iowa Comm Col District, Davenport, IA
Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY
Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, VA
Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI
Eastern Nazarene College, Wollaston, MA
Eastern Oklahoma State College, Wilburton, OK
Eastern Oregon State College, La Grande, OR
Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA
Eastfield College, Mesquite, TX
Eastwick College, Ramsey, NJ
Ecela Spanish School, Cusco, Peru, Peru
Edgewood College, Madison, WI
Edinboro Univ Pennsylvania, PA
Edmonds Community College, Lynnwood, WA
Education Direct Center, Scranton, PA
El Camino College, Torrance, CA
El Centro College, Dallas, TX
El Paso Community College, TX
Electronic Comp Prog College, Chattanooga, TN
Elizabethtown Comm College, KY
Elmhurst College, IL
Embry Riddle Aeronautical Univ, Daytona Beach, FL
Emory University, Atlanta, GA
Erie Community College, Buffalo, NY
Escuela Superior de Segunto, Valencia, Spain
Essex County College, Newark, NJ
Estrella Mountain Comm Col Ctr, Litchfield Pa, AZ
Eugenio Maria de Hostos Comm, Bronx, NY
Everest College, Arlington, VA
Everest Univ - North Orlando, FL
Everett Community College, WA
Evergreen Valley College, San Jose, CA
Ewha Womans University, Seodaemun-gu Seoul, Korea (Republic) (S)
Excelsior College, Albany, NY
FL SouthWestern St Col (Edison St), Fort Myers, FL
Facu Integ Hebraico Renascenca, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Faculdades Jorge Amado, Paralela-Salvador-BA, Brazil
Fairmont State University, WV
Fanshawe College, London, ON, Canada
Farmingdale State College, NY
Fashion Inst of Design & Mer, Los Angeles, CA
Fashion Institute of Tech, New York, NY
Faulkner University, Montgomery, AL
Fayetteville State University, NC
Fayetteville Tech Comm College, NC
Ferris State University, Big Rapids, MI
Fiji Form 7 (Yr13) Certi Exam, Suva, Fiji
Finger Lakes Community College, Canandaigua, NY
Finlandia University, Hancock, MI
Fitchburg State Univ, MA
Fitchburg State University, MA
Five Towns College, Dix Hills, NY
Flashpoint Chicago, IL
Flathead Valley Community Coll, Kalispell, MT
Florida Agric Mech University, Tallahasse, FL
Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL
Florida College, Temple Terrace, FL
Florida Comm College, Jacksonville, FL
Florida International Univ, Miami, FL
Florida Memorial University, Miami Gardens, FL
Florida State Coll -Jacksonvl, Jacksonville, FL
Folsom Lake College, CA
Foothill College, Los Altos Hills, CA
Fooyin Institute of Technology, Kaohsiung Hsien, Taiwan Rep of China
Fordham University, Bronx, NY
Forsyth Technical Comm College, Winston-Salem, NC
Fort Hays State University, KS
Fort Valley State College, GA
Fortis College, Landover, MD
Fox Valley Technical College, Appleton, WI
Franklin Pierce College, Rindge, NH
Frederick Community College, MD
Freed-Hardeman University, Henderson, TN
Fresno City College, CA
Front Range Community College, Westminster, CO
Frostburg State University, MD
Full Sail Real World Education, Winter Park, FL
Full Sail University, Winter Park, FL
Fullerton College, CA
GITAM Gandhi Institute of Tech & Mgmt, Visakhapatnam, India
Gainesville College, GA
Galileo University, Zona 10., Guatemala
Galveston College, TX
Gannon University, Erie, PA
Gardner-Webb University, Boiling Sprgs, NC
Garland County Comm College, Hot Springs, AR
Gateway Comm-Technical College, New Haven, CT
Gateway Community College, Phoenix, AZ
Gateway Technical College, Kenosha, WI
Gavilan College, Gilroy, CA
Genesee Community College, Batavia, NY
Geneva College, Beaver Falls, PA
George Brown College, Toronto, ON, Canada
George C Wallace St Comm Col, Dothan, AL
George Corley Wallace State CC, Selma, AL
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
George Washington University, DC
Georgetown University, Washington, DC
Georgia Gwinnett College, Lawrenceville, GA
Georgia Highlands College, Rome, GA
Georgia Military College, Milledgeville, GA
Georgia Perimeter College, Clarkston, GA
Georgia Piedmont Tech College, Clarkston, GA
Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GA
Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
Georgian College, Barrie, ON, Canada
Germanna Community College, Locust Grove, VA
Ghana Institute of Journalism, Accra, Ghana
Gibbs Boston, MA
Glen Oaks Community College, Centreville, MI
Glendale Community College, AZ
Glendale Community College, CA
Gloucester County College, Sewell, NJ
Gogebic Community College, Ironwood, MI
Golden Gate University, San Francisco, CA
Golden West College, Huntington Bc, CA
Goldey-Beacom College, Wilmington, DE
Goldsmiths, Univ London, United Kingdom
Goshen College, IN
Governors State University, University Park, IL
Grace Bible College, Grand Rapids, MI
Grace College&Theolo Seminar, Winona Lake, IN
Grambling State University, LA
Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, AZ
Grand Rapids Community College, MI
Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI
Grand View College, Des Moines, IA
Granite State College, Concord, NH
Grant MacEwan Comm College, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Gratia Christian College, Shek Kip Mei, Hong Kong
Grayson County College, Denison, TX
Great Lakes Christian College, Lansing, MI
Greenville Technical College, SC
Griggs University, Berrien Springs, MI
Grossmont College, El Cajon, CA
Guilford College, Greensboro, NC
Guilford Technical Comm Colleg, Jamestown, NC
Gwinnett Technical Institute, Lawrenceville, GA
Gwynedd-Mercy College, Gwynedd Valley , PA
Gyeongju University, Korea (Republic) (S)
H Lavity Stoutt Comm College, Tortola, British Virgin Islands
HKU Space Community College, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong
Hagerstown Community College, MD
Hampton University, VA
Hang Seng Univ of Hong Kong, Siu Lek Yuen, Hong Kong
Hanseo University, Seoul, Korea (Republic) (S)
Harding University, Searcy, AR
Harford Community College, Bel Air, MD
Harrington College of Design, Chicago, IL
Harry S Truman College, Chicago, IL
Hartnell College, Salinas, CA
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Hawaii Pacific University, Honolulu, HI
Heald College - Hayward Campus, CA
Heald College - Portland, OR, OR
Heald College-Honolulu, HI
Heartland Community College, Normal, IL
Heilongjiang University, Harbin, China
Helderberg College, Cape, South Africa
Helene Fuld College of Nursing, New York, NY
Henderson State University, Arkadelphia, AR
Hennepin Technical College, Brooklyn Park, MN
Henry Ford Community College, Dearborn, MI
Herkimer County Commmunity Col, NY
Herzing University, Winter Park, FL
Hesston College, KS
Hibbing Community College, MN
High Point University, NC
Highland Community College, Freeport, IL
Highline Community College, Des Moines, WA
Hill College, Hillsboro, TX
Hillsborough Community College, Tampa, FL
Hillsdale College, MI
Hinds Community College, Raymond, MS
Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY
Hogskolan Kristiantad Univ, Elmetorpsvagen, Sweden
Holmes Community College, Goodman, MS
Holy Cross College, Notre Dame, IN
Holy Names College, Oakland, CA
Hong Kong Adv Level Exam, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Adventist College, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Hong Kong College of Technology, New Territories, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Institute of Educat
Hong Kong Metropolitan Univ, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Polytechnic, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Univ, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Honolulu Community College, HI
Hope College, Holland, MI
Hopkinsville Community College, KY
Horry-Georgetwon Tech Col, Conway, SC
Houghton College, NY
Housatonic Community College, Bridgeport, CT
Houston Baptist University, TX
Houston Community College, TX
Howard Community College, Columbia, MD
Howard Payne University, Brownwood, TX
Howard University, Washington, DC
Hudson County Comm Col, Jersey City, NJ
Hudson Valley Community Col, Troy, NY
Humber College, Etobicoke, ON, Canada
Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA
Hunter College-CUNY, New York, NY
Huntington College of Health S, Knoxville, TN
Huntington College, IN
Husson College, Bangor, ME
ITT Tech Inst - Lathrop, CA, CA
ITT Technical Institute, Boise, ID
ITT Technical Institute, Grand Rapids, MI
Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID
Illinois Central College, East Peoria, IL
Illinois Inst of Art Chicago, IL
Illinois State University, Normal, IL
Imperial Valley College, CA
Indian River Community College, Fort Pierce, FL
Indiana Institute Technology, Ft Wayne, IN
Indiana U Purdue U Ft Wayne, Fort Wayne, IN
Indiana U Purdue U Indianapoli, Indianapolis, IN
Indiana University Bloomington, IN
Indiana University Northwest, Gary, IN
Indiana University Pennsylvani, PA
Indiana University South Bend, IN
Indiana University Southeast, New Albany, IN
Indiana Vocational Tech Colleg, Fort Wayne, IN
Indiana Wesleyan University, Marion, IN
Induk University, Seoul, Korea (Republic) (S)
Inst Superieur Techn D'Haiti, Port-Au-Prince, Haiti
Inst Univ Adventista Venezuela, Yaracuy, Venezuela
Institut Adventiste du Saleve, Collonges-sous-Salève, France
Institute of Amer Indian Arts, Santa Fe, NM
Institute of Management & Prod, Kingston 5, Jamaica
Instituto Adventista De Ensino, 04798 Sao Paulo, Sp, Brazil
Instituto Politec de Santarem, Portugal
Instituto Univ de Tecnologia, Maracaibo, Venezuela
Int'l Coll of Cayman Islands, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
Inter American Univ PR Metro, San Juan, PR
Inter-American Univ Puerto Ri, San German, PR
Internat'l Acad Design & Tech, Nashville, TN
International College - Beirut, Ras Beirut, Lebanon
International PADI Inc, Rancho Santa Margari, CA
International School Eindhoven, Netherlands
Internatl Baccalaureate Credit, Bethesda, MD
Intl School Eindhoven, Netherlands
Inver Hills Community College, Inver Grove Hts, MN
Iowa Central Community College, Fort Dodge, IA
Irvine Valley College, CA
Italian Adventist College Villa Aurora, Florence, Italy
Ivy Tech CC - Bloomington, IN
Ivy Tech Col-Wabash Valley, Terre Haute, IN
Ivy Tech Comm Col Columbus, IN
Ivy Tech Comm Col East Central, Muncie, IN
Ivy Tech Comm Coll - Indianapo, Indianapolis, IN
Ivy Tech Comm Coll - Madison, IN
Ivy Tech Comm Coll - Mich City, Michigan City, IN
Ivy Tech Comm Coll- Valp, Valparaiso, IN
Ivy Tech Comm Coll-Elkhart, Goshen, IN
Ivy Tech Community College, South Bend, IN
Ivy Tech State Col (useC02698), South Bend, IN
Ivy Tech State Col-Indianapoli, Indianapolis, IN
Ivy Tech State College-Gary, IN
Ivy Tech State Collg-Lafayette, IN
J Sargeant Reynolds Comm Colle, Richmond, VA
Jackson Community College, MI
Jackson State Community Col, TN
Jackson State University, MS
Jacksonville College, TX
Jamestown College, ND
Jamestown Community College, NY
Jefferson Community College, Louisville, KY
Jefferson State Comm College, Birmingham, AL
Jersey City State College, NJ
Jimei University, China
John A Logan College, Carterville, IL
John Abbott College, Quebec, Canada
John Brown University, Siloam Springs , AR
John Jay College Criminal Just, New York, NY
John Tyler Community College, Chester, VA
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Johnson State College, VT
Joint Services, Washington, DC
Joliet Junior College, IL
Jones County Junior College, Ellisville, MS
Jordan Univ of Sci and Tech, Irbid, Jordan
Judson College, Elgin, IL
Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA
Kalamazoo Valley Community Col, MI
Kankakee Community College, IL
Kansas City Kansas Comm Colleg, KS
Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
Kapiolani Community College HI, Honolulu, HI
Kaplan College, Hagerstown, MD
Kaplan University, Davenport, IA
Karnatak University, Dharwad, India
Kaskaskia College, Centralia, IL
Katharine Gibbs - New York, NY, NY
Katharine Gibbs - Piscataway, NJ
Kean University, Union, NJ
Keimyung University, Daegu, Korea (Republic) (S)
Keiser University, Ft Lauderdale, FL
Kellogg Community College, Battle Creek, MI
Kendall College, Evanston, IL
Kennebec Valley Comm Col, Fairfield, ME
Kennedy-King College, Chicago, IL
Kennesaw St Coll{use001577}, Marietta, GA
Kennesaw State University, GA
Kent State University, OH
Kentucky Mountain Bible Colleg, Vancleve, KY
Kentucky State University, Frankfort, KY
Kenya Medical Training College, Nairobi, Kenya
Kettering College of Med Arts, OH
Kettering University, Flint, MI
King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
King's University College, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Kings College, Wilkes Barre, PA
Kingsborough Community College, Brooklyn, NY
Kingwood College North Harris, TX
Kirtland Community College, Grayling, MI
Kishwaukee College, Malta, IL
Klamath Community College, Klamath Falls, OR
Konservatorium Wien Privatuniv, Austria
Korea University, Seoul 136 701, Korea (Republic) (S)
Kutztown Univ Pennsylvania, PA
Kwame Nkrumah Univ Sci Tech, Kumasi, Ghana
Kyonggi University, Gyeonggi-do, Korea (Republic) (S)
Kyung Hee Cyber University, Seoul, Korea (Republic) (S)
Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea (Republic) (S)
LACCD-LA Trade-Tech Coll., Los Angeles, CA
La Sierra University, Riverside, CA
LaGrange College, GA
LaGuardia Community College, Long Island City, NY
Lagos State University, Nigeria
Lake City Community College, FL
Lake Land College, Mattoon, IL
Lake Michigan College, Benton Harbor, MI
Lake Superior College, Duluth, MN
Lake Tahoe Community College, South Lake Tahoe, CA
Lake Washington Tech College, Kirkland, WA
Lake-Sumter Comm College, Leesburg, FL
Lakeland Community College, Willoughby, OH
Lakes Region Comm College, Laconia, NH
Lakpahana Adv Coll/Sem(SriLank, Mailapitiya, Sri Lanka
Lander University, Greenwood, SC
Landmark College, Putney, VT
Lane Community College, Eugene, OR
Langara College, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Lanier Technical College, Winder, GA
Lansing Community College, MI
Laramie County Comm College, Cheyenne, WY
Laredo Community College, TX
Las Positas College, Livermore, CA
Las Vegas College
Laureate International Univers, Baltimore, MD
Laurel Ridge Comm College, MIDDLETOWN, VA
Lawrence Technological Univ, Southfield, MI
Lawrence University, Appleton, WI
LeTourneau University, Longview, TX
Lee University, Cleveland, TN
Lees-Mcrae College, Banner Elk, NC
Leeward Community College, Pearl City, HI
Lehigh Carbon Comm College, Schnecksville, PA
Lewis College of Business, Detroit, MI
Lewis University, Romeoville, IL
Lewis and Clark College, Portland, OR
Lewis-Clark State College, Lewiston, ID
Li Ka Inst of Prof Education, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA
Life University, Marietta, GA
Lincoln College of Tech-Melros, Melrose Park, IL
Lincoln Technical Institude, Indianapolis, IN
Lincoln Trail College, Robinson, IL
Linn-Benton Community College, Albany, OR
Logan College Chiropractic, Chesterfield, MO
Loma Linda University, CA
Lone Star College, Cypress, TX
Long Beach City College, CA
Long Island Univ C W Post, Greenvale, NY
Long Island University, Brooklyn, NY
Longview Community College
Lonyay Secondary School, Budapest, Hungary
Lorain County Comm College, Elyria, OH
Los Angeles Comm Col District, CA
Los Angeles Harbor College, Wilmington, CA
Los Angeles Mission College, Sylmar, CA
Los Angeles Valley College, Valley Glen, CA
Los Medanos College, Pittsburg, CA
Louisburg College, NC
Louisiana College, Pineville, LA
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
Lourdes College, Sylvania, OH
Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA
Loyola University Chicago, IL
Lubbock Christian University, TX
Luna Community College, Las Vegas, NM
Luther College, Decorah, IA
Luzerne County Comm College, Nanticoke, PA
Lyceum Northwestern Univ, Dagupan City, Philippines
Lyceum of the Philippines Univ, Cavite, Philippines
Lynchburg College, VA
Lynn University, Boca Raton, FL
MCPHS University, Boston, MA
Maasai Mara University, Narok, Kenya
Macomb Community College, Warren, MI
Madison Area Technical College, WI
Madonna University, Livonia, MI
Malawi Adventist University, Blantytre, Malawi
Malcolm X College, Chicago, IL
Malmo University, Sweden
Manchester College, N Manchester, IN
Manchester Community College, CT
Mangalore University, Konaje 574199, India
Mangosuthu Univ of Technology, Durban, South Africa
Manipal Academy of Higher Educ, India
Manipal Institute of Technolog, India
Maranatha Bapt. Bible College, Watertown, WI
Marian College, Indianapolis, IN
Maricopa Community Colleges, Phoenix, AZ
Marist College, Poughkeeps, NY
Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
Marshall University, Huntington, WV
Marshalltown Community College, IA
Mary Washington College, Fredericksburg , VA
Maryland Inst. College of Art, Baltimore, MD
Mass Coll of Liberal Arts, North Adams, MA
Massachusetts Bay Comm Col, Wellesley Hills, MA
Massachusetts College of Art &, Boston, MA
Massasoit Community College, Brockton, MA
Massasoit Community College, Brockton, MA
McMurry College, Abilene, TX
Medgar Evers College, Brooklyn, NY
Mendocino College, Ukiah, CA
Merced College, CA
Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, NY
Mesa Community College, AZ
Metropolitan Comm College Dist, Kansas City, MO
Metropolitan Comm College, Omaha, NE
Metropolitan State Coll Denver, CO
Metropolitan State University, St Paul, MN
Miami Dade College, FL
Miami Dade College, FL
Miami Inter Uni Art- Tampa
Miami University, Oxford, OH
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Michigan Technological Univ, Houghton, MI
Mid Michigan Community College, Harrison, MI
Mid-America Christian Universi, Oklahoma City, OK
Mid-State Technical College, Wisconsin Rapids, WI
Middle East University, Beirut, Lebanon
Middle Georgia State Univ, Macon, GA
Middle Tennessee State Univ, Murfreesboro, TN
Middlebury College, VT
Middlesex Comm College, Lowell, MA
Middlesex County College, Edison, NJ
Midland College, TX
Midlands Technical College, West Columbia, SC
Midway University, KY
Millersville University, PA
Milligan College, Milligan Colege, TN
Milwaukee Area Tech College, WI
Milwaukee School Engineering, WI
Minneapolis Comm & Tech Coll, MN
Minnesota State College Southe, Winona, MN
Minnesota State Comm/Tech Coll, Perham, MN
Minnesota State University, Mankato, MN
Minnesota West Comm Tech Col, Granite Falls, MN
Minot State Univ - Bottineau, ND
Minot State University - Main, ND
Mission College of Evangelism, Gaston, OR
Mission College, Santa Clara, CA
Mississippi Gulf Coast Com Col, Perkinston, MS
Mississippi State University, Miss State, MS
Missouri Southern State Univer, Joplin, MO
Missouri State University, Springfield, MO
Missouri Valley College, Marshall, MO
Mitchell Community College, Statesville, NC
Moberly Area Community College, MO
Modern Continuing Education Center, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Modesto Junior College, CA
Mohawk College, Hamilton, ON, Canada
Mohawk Valley Comm College, Utica, NY
Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya
Molloy College, Rockville Ctr, NY
Monroe College, Bronx, NY
Monroe Community College, Rochester, NY
Montana State Univ Billings, MT
Montana State University, Bozeman, MT
Montcalm Community College, Sidney, MI
Montclair State Universtiy, NJ
Montego Bay Comm College, Jamaica
Montemorelos University, Montemorelos, Nl, Mexico
Montgomery Cnty Community Coll, Blue Bell, PA
Montgomery College, Rockville, MD
Montgomery College, Takoma Park, MD
Moorpark College, CA
Moraine Valley Community Coll, Palos Park, IL
Moreno Valley College, CA
Morgan Community College, Fort Morgan, CO
Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD
Morton College, Cicero, IL
Motlow State Community College, Tullahoma, TN
Mott Community College, Flint, MI
Mount Aloysius College, Cresson, PA
Mount Olive College, NC
Mount Royal College, Calgary, AB, Canada
Mount Saint Mary College, Newburgh, NY
Mount San Antonio College, Walnut, CA
Mount San Jacinto College, CA
Mount Union College, Alliance, OH
Mount Vernon Nazarene College, OH
Mount Wachusett Comm College, Gardner, MA
Mountain View College, Bukidnon, Philippines
Mountain View College, Dallas, TX
Mt Hood Community College, Gresham, OR
Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA
Mundelein College, Chicago, IL
Murray State University, KY
Muscatine Community College, IA
Muskegon Community College, MI
Muskingum College, New Concord, OH
Mwanza College of Health and Allied Sciences, Tanzania
Myanmar Union Adv Seminary, Myaungmya 10211, Myanmar
Myongji University, Seoul, Korea (Republic) (S)
N Harris Montgomery County Col, Houston, TX
NHTI - Concord's Comm Col, NH
NRSG & Midwifery College Korle, Korle Bu, Ghana
Namibia Sr Secd Cert Adv/Higher Level, Windhoek, Namibia(SW Africa)
Napa Valley College, CA
Nassau Community College, Garden City, NY
National Aviation Academy, Clearwater, FL
National Institute Lifelong Ed, Seoul, Korea (Republic) (S)
National Park Comm College, Hot Spgs Nati, AR
National Univ of Entre Rios, Argentina
National University Lesotho, Roma, Lesotho
National University, San Diego, CA
Natural Resources Dev College, Lusaka, Zambia
Naugatuck Valley Comm College, Waterbury, CT
Nebraska Wesleyan University, Lincoln, NE
Neosho County Community Colleg, Chanute, KS
Neumann College, Aston, PA
New College of Florida, Sarasota, FL
New England Col Business & Fin, Boston, MA
New Hampshire Comm Tech Coll, Berlin, NH
New Jersey City University, NJ
New Jersey Inst Tech, Newark, NJ
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM
New River Community College, Dublin, VA
New York City College of Tech, NY
New York City Technical Coll, Brooklyn, NY
New York Institute Technology, Old Westbury, NY
New York University, NY
New York University, South New York, NY
NewSchool of Arch and Design, Sand Diego, CA
Newbold College, Berkshire RG12 5AN, England
Niagara University, NY
Nicolet Area Tech College, Rhinelander, WI
Norco College, CA
Normandale Community College, Minneapolis, MN
North Carolina State Univ, Raleigh, NC
North Central College, Naperville, IL
North Central Michigan College, Petoskey, MI
North Central Missouri College, Trenton, MO
North Central State College, Mansfield, OH
North Central State College, Mansfield, OH
North Dakota State Univ Fargo, ND
North Georgia College, Dahlonega, GA
North Hennepin Comm College, Minneapolis, MN
North Idaho College, Coeur d'Alene, ID
North Lake College, Irving, TX
North Seattle Community Colleg, WA
North Shore Community College, Danvers, MA
Northampton County Comm Col, Bethlehem, PA
Northeast Iowa Comm College, Peosta, IA
Northeast State Tech CC, Blountville, TN
Northeast Wisconsin Technical, Green Bay, WI
Northeastern Illinois Univ, Chicago, IL
Northeastern Junior College, Sterling, CO
Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ
Northern Caribbean University, Mandeville, Jamaica
Northern Essex Com Col, Haverhill, MA
Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, IL
Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI
Northern Univ-Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Northern Virginia Comm College, Annandale, VA
Northern Wyoming CC - Gillette, WY
Northland Comm & Tech College, Thief River Falls, MN
Northwest Arkansas Comm Coll, Bentonville, AR
Northwest Florida State Colleg, Niceville, FL
Northwest Iowa Comm College, Sheldon, IA
Northwest Nazarene College, Nampa, ID
Northwest University, Kirkland, WA
Northwest Vista College, San Antonio, TX
Northwest-Shoals Com Col, Muscle Shoals, AL
Northwestern Michigan College, Traverse City, MI
Northwood University, Midland, MI
Norwalk Comm-Technical College, CT
Nova Southeastern University, Ft Lauderdale, FL
Nunez Community College, Chalmette, LA
Nursing and Midwifery Training College, Kumasi, Ghana
Nyack College, NY
Oakland City College, IN
Oakland Community College, Bloomfield Hl, MI
Oakland University, Rochester, MI
Oakton Community College, Des Plaines, IL
Oakwood University, Huntsville, AL
Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA
Ocean County College, Toms River, NJ
Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, GA
Ohio Christian Univ, Circleville, OH
Ohio Dominican College, Columbus, OH
Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Ohio University, Athens, OH
Ohlone College, Fremont, CA
Oklahoma City Commun College, OK
Oklahoma State Uni - OC, Oklahoma City, OK
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA
Olive-Harvey College, Chicago, IL
Olympic College, Bremerton, WA
Onondaga Community College, Syracuse, NY
Ontario Grade Thirteen, Canada
Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, OK
Orange County Comm Col-NY, Middletown, NY
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
Osmania University, Telangana, India
Owens Community College, Toledo, OH
Oxnard College, CA
Ozarks Tech Community College, Springfield, MO
Pace University Pleasantville, White Plains, NY
Pace University, New York, NY
Pacific Adventist University, Boroko, Papua New Guinea
Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA
Pacific Union College, Angwin, CA
Pakistan Adventist Seminary, Sheikhupura District, Pakistan
Palau Community College, Koror, Palau
Palm Beach Atlantic College, W Palm Bch, FL
Palm Beach Community College, Lake Worth, FL
Palm Beach State College, Lake Worth, FL
Palmer College of Chiropractic, Davenport, IA
Palo Alto College, San Antonio, TX
Palo Verde College, Blythe, CA
Palomar College, San Marcos, CA
Panama Canal College, APO Miami, FL
Papua New Guinea U Tech, Lae, Papua New Guinea
Parana State Univ, Brazil
Park University, Parkville, MO
Parkland College, Champaign, IL
Pasadena City College, CA
Passaic County Community Coll, Paterson, NJ
Pearl River Comm College, Poplarville, MS
Peninsula College, Port Angeles, WA
Penn Foster College, Scottsdale, AZ
Pennsylvania College of Tech, Williamsport, PA
Pennsylvania Highlands Comm Co
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Pensacola Christian College, FL
Pensacola State Junior College, FL
Peruvian Union University, Lima, Peru
Pfeiffer College, Misenheimer, NC
Phenikaa University, Hanoi, Vietnam
Piedmont Virginia Comm Coll, Charlottesville, VA
Pierce College - Los Angeles, Woodland Hills, CA
Pierce College, Tacoma, WA
Pikes Peak Community College, Colorado Spgs, CO
Pillsbury Baptist Bible Coll., Owatonna, MN
Pima Community College, Tucson, AZ
Pine Manor College, Chestnut Hill, MA
Pines City Colleges, Baguio City, Philippines
Pitt Community College, WINTERVILLE, NC
Pittsburg State University, KS
Point Loma Nazarene College, San Diego, CA
Polk State College, Winter Haven, FL
Polytechnic Univ of Philippine
Pontifica Uni Catolica Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador
Pontifical Univ Puerto Rico, Ponce, PR
Porterville College, CA
Portland Community College, OR
Portland State University, OR
Portmore Community College, St. Catherine, Jamaica
Prairie State College, Chicago Hts, IL
Pratt Community College, KS
Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY
Presentation College, Aberdeen, SD
Prince George's Community Coll, Largo, MD
Pueblo Community College, CO
Purdue Univ Calumet, Hammond, IN
Purdue Univ North Central, Westville, IN
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Pusan National University, Geumjeong-gu, Korea (Republic) (S)
Queens College, Flushing, NY
Queensborough Comm College, Bayside, NY
Quincy College, MA
Quinsigamond College, Worcester, MA
Ramapo College of New Jersey, Mahwah, NJ
Randolph Community College, Asheboro, NC
Rappahannock Community College, Glenns, VA
Raritan Valley Comm College, Somerville, NJ
Rasmussen College, Bloomington, MN
Reading Area Community College, PA
Red Deer College, AB, Canada
Red Rocks Community College, Lakewood, CO
Reedley College, CA
Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA
Regis College, Weston, MA
Regis University, Denver, CO
Remington College-Honolulu, HI
Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst, Troy, NY
Renton Technical College, WA
Rhode Island College, Providence, RI
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI
Richard Bland College, Petersburg, VA
Richard J Daley College, Chicago, IL
Richard Stockton Col of NJ, Pomona, NJ
Richland College, Dallas, TX
Richmond Community College, Hamlet, NC
Ridgewater College, Willmar, MN
Rio Salado College, Tempe, AZ
River Plate Adventist Univ, Entre Rios, Argentina
River Valley Community College, Claremont, NH
Riverland Community College, Austin, MN
Riverside City College, CA
Robert Morris College, Chicago, IL
Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester, NY
Rochester Business Institute, NY
Rochester Comm & Tech Coll, MN
Rochester Institute Technology, NY
Rock Valley College, Rockford, IL
Rockhurst College, Kansas City, MO
Rockland Community College, Suffern, NY
Rocky Mt. Coll of Art & Design, Lakewood, CO
Rogue Community College, Grants Pass, OR
Rollins College, Winter Park, FL
Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL
Rowan College at Burlington County, Mount Laurel, NJ
Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ
Roxbury Community College, Boston, MA
Rutgers State Univ Camden A&S, NJ
Rutgers Un Newark (Use 002753), NJ
Rutgers Univ - New Brunswick, NJ
Rutgers Univ - Newark, NJ
Ryerson Polytechnical Inst, Toronto, ON, Canada
Ryerson University, Toronto, ON
SDA Nursing & Midwifery Train, Kumasi, Ghana
SUNY Agrcltr & Tech Col/Delhi, NY
SUNY Coll of Tech Canton NY, NY
SUNY College at Brockport, NY
SUNY College at Buffalo, NY
SUNY College at Geneseo, NY
SUNY College at Old Westbury, NY
SUNY College at Oswego, NY
SUNY College at Purchase, NY
SUNY College of Tech at Alfred, NY
SUNY Columbia Greene Comm Coll, Hudson, NY
SUNY Empire State College, Saratoga Spgs, NY
SUNY Westchester Comm College, Valhalla, NY
SUNY at Albany, NY
SUNY at Binghamton, NY
SUNY at Stony Brook, NY
Sacramento City College, CA
Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT
Saddleback College, Mission Viejo, CA
Sagesse University, Furn-el-chebak, Lebanon
Saginaw Chippewa Tribal Colleg, Mount Pleasant, MI
Sahmyook University, Seoul, Korea (Republic) (S)
Sailor/Marine Amer Coun Ed, Washington, DC
Saint Ambrose University, Davenport, IA
Saint Anselm College, Manchester, NH
Saint Bonaventure University, St Bonaventure , NY
Saint Cloud State University, MN
Saint Francis College, Brooklyn, NY
Saint Johns College (Belize), Belize City, Belize
Saint Johns College (New Mex), Sante Fe, NM
Saint Josephs University, Philadelph, PA
Saint Leo University, FL
Saint Leo University, St Leo, FL
Saint Louis University, St Louis, MO
Saint Martins University, Lacey, WA
Saint Marys College California, Moraga, CA
Saint Marys College, Notre Dame, IN
Saint Paul College
Saint Paul Univ-Manila, Malate, Philippines
Saint Thomas University, Miami, FL
Saint Xavier University, Chicago, IL
Salem State College, MA
Salisbury State University, MD
Salish Kootenai College, Pablo, MT
Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX
San Antonio College, TX
San Bernardino Valley College, CA
San Diego City College, CA
San Diego Comm College-Mesa, CA
San Diego Miramar Iniversity, CA
San Diego State University, CA
San Francisco State University, CA
San Jacinto College District S, Houston, TX
San Joaquin Delta College, Stockton, CA
San Joaquin Valley College, Visalia, CA
San Jose State University, CA
San Mateo County Comm Col, Redwood City, CA
Sandhills Community College, Pinehurst, NC
Sanford-Brown College, Vienna, VA
Saniku Gakuin College, Chiba-Ken 298-02, Japan
Santa Barbara City College, CA
Santa Fe Comm College, Gainesville, FL
Santiago Canyon College, Orange, CA
Sault College of Applied Arts, Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada
Savannah College Art & Design, GA
Savannah State College, GA
Schenectady County CC, NY
School Art Inst Of Chicago, IL
School Of Visual Arts, New York, NY
Schoolcraft College, Livonia, MI
Schreiner University, Kerrville, TX
Scripps College, Claremont, CA
Seattle Central Comm College, WA
Sejong University, Seoul, Korea (Republic) (S)
Sem Adv Latinoamericano de Teo, 70279 Brasilia, Df, Brazil
Seminario Adventista de Cuba, Havana, Cuba
Seminole Community College, Sanford, FL
Seminole State College of Flor, Sanford, FL
Seneca College, Willowdale, ON, Canada
Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ
Sewanee: Univ of South, TN
Seward County Community Col., Liberal, KS
Shasta College, Redding, CA
Shaw University, Raleigh, NC
Shelton State Comm College, Tuscaloosa, AL
Shippensburg Univ Pennsylvania, PA
Shoreline Community College, Seattle, WA
Shorter College, Rome, GA
Siberian State Medical Univ, Tomsk, Russia
Siena Heights University, Adrian, MI
Sierra College, Rocklin, CA
Sijil Tinggi Pelarajan Malaysia (STPM) - Malaysian Higher School Certificate, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Sinclair Community College, Dayton, OH
Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore
Sir Arthur Lewis Comm College, Castries, Saint Lucia
Skagit Valley College, Mount Vernon, WA
Skyline College, San Bruno, CA
Slippery Rock Unv Pennsylvania, PA
Sogang University, Seoul, Korea (Republic) (S)
Solano Community College, Suisun City, CA
Solusi College, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Solusi University, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Somerset Community College, KY
Sonoma Adventist College, Kokopo, Papua New Guinea
Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul 140 742, Korea (Republic) (S)
Sophia - American Council Educ, Minneapolis, MN
South Carolina State Univ, Orangeburg, SC
South College, Knoxville, TN
South Dakota School Mines Tech, Rapid City, SD
South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD
South Florida Comm College, Avon Park, FL
South Louisiana Comm Coll., Lafayette, LA
South Plains College, Levelland, TX
South Puget Sound Comm. Coll., Olympia, WA
South Seattle Comm College, WA
South Suburban College, South Holland, IL
South Texas College, Mc Allen, TX
South University, Savannah, GA
South University, West Palm Beach, FL
Southcentral KY Comm&Tech Coll, Bowling Green, KY
Southeast Arkansas College, Pine Bluff, AR
Southeast Community College, Beatrice, NE
Southeast Community College, Lincoln, NE
Southeast Technical Institute, Sioux Falls, SD
Southeastern Community Col, Whiteville, NC
Southeastern Louisiana Univ, Hammond, LA
Southeastern Oklahoma State Un, Durant, OK
Southern Adventist University, Collegedale, TN
Southern California Univ of Health Sciences, Whittier, CA
Southern Connecticut State U, New Haven, CT
Southern Illinois Univ Carbon, Carbondale, IL
Southern Illinois Univ Edwards, Edwardsville, IL
Southern Maine Comm College, South Portland, ME
Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX
Southern New Hampshire Univ, Manchester, NH
Southern Oregon State College, Ashland, OR
Southern Oregon University, Ashland, OR
Southern Polytech State Uni, Marietta, GA
Southern Union State CC, Wadley, AL
Southern Univ at Shreveport-LA, LA
Southern University N Orleans, New Orleans, LA
Southwest Baptist University, Bolivar, MO
Southwest Tennessee Com Col, Memphis, TN
Southwest Texas Jr College, Uvalde, TX
Southwest Virginia Comm Coll, Richlands, VA
Southwest Wisconsin Technical, Fennimore, WI
Southwestern Adventist Univ, Keene, TX
Southwestern College-CA, Chula Vista, CA
Southwestern Community College, Dowagiac, MI
Southwestern Illinois College, Belleville, IL
Southwestern Michigan College, Dowagiac, MI
Southwestern Oregon Comm Col, Coos Bay, OR
Southwestern Univ Matias Aznar, Cebu City, Philippines
Spartan School of Aeronautics, Tulsa, OK
Spartanburg Comm College
Spicer Adventist University, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Spicer Memorial College, Pune 411007, India
Spokane Falls Community Colleg, WA
Spoon River College, Canton, IL
Spring Arbor University, MI
Springfield College, MA
Springfield Technical Comm Col, MA
St Charles Community College, Saint Peters, MO
St Clair County Community Coll, Port Huron, MI
St John's College Junior Collg, Belize City, Belize
St John's Univ - New York, NY
St Johns River Community Coll, Palatka, FL
St Louis College of Pharmacy, St louis, MO
St Louis Community College, St Louis, MO
St Petersburg College, Saint Petersburg, FL
St Philips College, San Antonio, TX
St Xavier's College, Mumbai, India
St. Augustine College, Chicago, IL
St. Cloud Technical & Community College, St Cloud, MN
St. John's University, Queens, NY
St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN
St. Philip's College, San Antonio, TX
Stanly Community College, Albemarle, NC
Stark State College Tech, Canton, OH
State College of Florida, Bradenton, FL
State Univ of NY - Farmingdale, NY
State Univ of NY - Univ Albany, NY
State Univ of NY--Morrisville, NY
State University of Haiti, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
State University of New York, Brockport, NY
Stella Maris Polytechnic, Monrovia, Liberia
Stony Brook University, NY
Straighterline - American Coun, Baltimore, MD
Strayer University, Washington, DC
Studio Art Centers Internation, Firenze, Italy
Suffolk Community College West, Brentwood, NY
Suffolk County Comm College, Selden, NY
Syracuse University, NY
Tacoma Community College, WA
Taft College, CA
Taiwan Adventist College, Taiwan 555, Taiwan Rep of China
Tallahassee Community College, FL
Taras Shevchenko...U of Kyiv, City of Kyiv, Ukraine
Tarrant County College, Fort Worth, TX
Tarrant County College, Fort Worth, TX
Taylor University Upland, IN
Technical College Lowcountry, Beaufort, SC
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN
Tennessee Temple University, Chattanooga, TN
Terra State Community College, Fremont, OH
Texas Southern University, Houston, TX
Texas Southmost College, Brownsville, TX
Texas State Technical College, Harlingen, TX
Texas State University, San Marcos, TX
Texas Wesleyan University, Ft Worth, TX
Texas Womans University, Denton, TX
The Art Institute of Washingto, Arlington, VA
The College of New Jersey, Trenton, NJ
The College of Westchester, White Plains, NY
The Hebrew Univ Jerusalem, Israel
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
The New School, New York, NY
The Univ of Connecticut, Storrs Mansfi, CT
The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
The University of West Florida, Pensacola, FL
The University of Winnipeg, MB
Thomas A Edison State College, Trenton, NJ
Thomas Edison St. Univ, Trenton, NJ
Thomas Nelson Comm Coll, Hampton, VA
Three Rivers Comm-Tech College, Norwich, CT
Tidewater Community College, Portsmouth, VA
Tiffin University, OH
Toccoa Falls College, GA
Touro College, New York, NY
Towson University, MD
Trent University, Peterborough, ON, Canada
Tri County Technical College, Pendleton, SC
Tri-County Comm College, Murphy, NC
Trident Technical College, Charleston, SC
Trine University, Angola, IN
Trinidad State Junior College, CO
Trinity Christian College, Palos Heights, IL
Trinity Washington University, DC
Triton College, Rivergrove, IL
Troy University, AL
Truett-McConnell College, Cleveland, GA
Truman State University, Kirksville, MO
Tunxis Community College, Farmington, CT
Turton Media Arts College, Manchester, United Kingdom
Tusculum College, Greenville, TN
Tuskegee University, AL
Tyler Junior College, TX
Tyndale College & Seminary, Toronto, ON, Canada
U S Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY
Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE), Kampala, Uganda
Ukrainian Inst of Arts & Sci, Bucha, Kiev, Ukraine
Umpqua Community College, Roseburg, OR
Uni de Puerto Rico Bayamon, PR
Union College, Lincoln, NE
Union County College, Cranford, NJ
United States Army
Univ Adv de Centro America, 4050 Alajuela, Costa Rica
Univ Advent de las Antillas, Mayaguez, PR
Univ Adventista Dominicana, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Univ Adventista del Plata, Entre Rios, Argentina
Univ Alabama Birmingham, AL
Univ Alabama Huntsville, AL
Univ Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL
Univ Alaska Anchorage, AK
Univ Alaska Fairbanks, AK
Univ Arkansas Monticello, AR
Univ Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR
Univ Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Monterrey N L, Mexico
Univ British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Univ California Berkeley, CA
Univ California Davis, CA
Univ California Los Angeles, CA
Univ California Riverside, CA
Univ California San Diego, La Jolla, CA
Univ California Santa Barbara, CA
Univ California Santa Cruz, CA
Univ Cincinnati, OH
Univ College Cayman Islands, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
Univ College of the Cariboo, Kamloops, BC, Canada
Univ Colorado Hlth Sci Ctr, Denver, CO
Univ Colorado at Denver, CO
Univ Connecticut, Hartford, CT
Univ Delaware, Newark, DE
Univ Dubuque, IA
Univ Hartford, W Hartford, CT
Univ Illinois Chicago, IL
Univ Illinois Urbana, IL
Univ Int Menendez Pelayo, Sevilla, Spain
Univ Inter Puerto Rico-Guayama, PR
Univ Interamericana PR - Aguad, Aguadilla, PR
Univ Interamericana PR San Ger, San German, PR
Univ Interamericana de PR, Guayama, PR
Univ Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Univ Libre Kigali, Rwanda
Univ Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Univ Maryland Baltimore County, MD
Univ Maryland College Park, MD
Univ Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD
Univ Massachusetts Amherst, MA
Univ Massachusetts Boston, MA
Univ Massachusetts Lowell, MA
Univ Medicine & Dentist of NJ, Newark, NJ
Univ Minnesota - Duluth, MN
Univ Minnesota Duluth, MN
Univ Minnesota Minneapolis, MN
Univ Mississippi, University, MS
Univ Missouri Columbia, MO
Univ Nebraska Lincoln, NE
Univ Nevada Reno, NV
Univ New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
Univ North Carolina Asheville, NC
Univ North Carolina Charlotte, NC
Univ North Carolina Greensboro, NC
Univ North Carolina Pembroke, NC
Univ North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Univ North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND
Univ North Florida, Jacksonville, FL
Univ Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO
Univ Northwestern St. Paul, St Paul, MN
Univ Ontario Institute of Tech, Oshawa, ON, Canada
Univ Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Univ Puerto Rico Mayaguez, PR
Univ Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras, San Juan, PR
Univ Redlands, CA
Univ Saint Thomas, Houston, TX
Univ Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Univ Southern Maine, Portland, ME
Univ Tampa, FL
Univ Tennessee Chattanooga, TN
Univ Tennessee Knoxville, TN
Univ Texas Brownsville, TX
Univ Texas El Paso, TX
Univ Texas Pan American Ednbrg, Edinburg, TX
Univ Texas Rio Grande Valley, Edinburg, TX
Univ Texas San Antonio, TX
Univ Vermont, Burlington, VT
Univ Waterloo, ON, Canada
Univ Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada
Univ Wisconsin Barron County, Rice Lake, WI
Univ Wisconsin Green Bay, WI
Univ Wisconsin La Crosse, WI
Univ Wisconsin Milwaukee, WI
Univ Wisconsin Oshkosh, WI
Univ Wisconsin Whitewater, WI
Univ Witwatersrand, Johannesberg, South Africa
Univ de Nacional de Colombia, Medellin, Colombia
Univ de Puerto Rico - Carolina, PR
Univ de los Andes, Merida, Venezuela
Univ of Alabama Huntsville, AL
Univ of Alaska Fairbanks, AK
Univ of Alaska Southeast, Juneau, AK
Univ of Arizona-Global Campus, San Diego, CA
Univ of Buffalo -State U of NY, NY
Univ of California-Irvine, CA
Univ of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
Univ of Eastern Africa Baraton, Eldoret, Kenya
Univ of Economics - Varna, Bulgaria
Univ of Hlth & Allied Science, Ho, Ghana
Univ of HongKong SPACE, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Univ of Lay Adventist Kigali, Rwanda
Univ of Louisiana -- Lafayette, LA
Univ of Maine at Presque Isle, ME
Univ of Maryland - Global, Adelphi, MD
Univ of Maryland Univ College, College Park, MD
Univ of Maryland, Baltimore, MD
Univ of Massachusetts Global, Irvine, CA
Univ of Minnesota Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN
Univ of Minnesota-Crookston, MN
Univ of NC-Chapel Hill, NC
Univ of National & Wrld Econ, Sofia, Bulgaria
Univ of North Texas, Denton, TX
Univ of Phoenix, AZ
Univ of Professional Studies Accra, Legon, Ghana
Univ of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS
Univ of St. Francis, Joliet, IL
Univ of Technology, Jamaica, Kingston 6, Jamaica
Univ of Technology, Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia
Univ of Trinidad & Tobago, Crechin Castle, Trinidad and Tobago
Univ of Wisconsin Colleges, Madison, WI
Univ of the District Columbia, Washington, DC
Univ of the Free State, Park West, South Africa
Univ of the Southern Caribbean, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Univ of the Southern Caribbean, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Universidad Linda Vista, Pueble Nuevo Solistahuacan, Mexico
Universidad Nacional Pedro Hnr, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Universidad Peruana Union, Lima, Peru
Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Universidad de Costa Rica
Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico
Universidad de Navojoa, Mexico
Universidad del Pacifico, Jesus Maria, Peru
Universitas Advent Indonesia, Java, Indonesia
Universite Adventiste d'Haiti, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Universite Laval, Quebec, QC, Canada
University Mines Technology, Tarkwa, Ghana
University Of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR
University Of Evansville, IN
University Of Hawaii At Manoa, Honolulu, HI
University Of Indianapolis, IN
University Of Maine Farmington, ME
University Of Maine Orono, ME
University Of New Orleans, LA
University Of North Alabama, Florence, AL
University Of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
University Of Southern Indiana, Evansville, IN
University Oklahoma Norman, OK
University San Carlos, Cebu City, Philippines
University Texas Arlington, TX
University at Albany, NY
University of Alaska Anchorage, AK
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
University of Arusha, Usa River Via Arusha, Tanzania
University of Baltimore, MD
University of Belize, Belize City, Belize
University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana
University of Calgary, AB, Canada
University of Cape Coast, Ghana
University of Cape Town, Randebosch 7700, South Africa
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
University of Dayton, OH
University of Delaware, Newark, NJ
University of Detroit Mercy, MI
University of Education Winneba, Mampong-Ashanti, Ghana
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
University of Georgia, Athens, GA
University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana
University of Houston, TX
University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland
University of Idaho, Moscow, ID
University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD
University of Massachusetts, Amaherst, MA
University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL
University of Michigan Flint, MI
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
University of Michigan-Dearbrn, Dearborn, MI
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
University of Minnesota--TC, Minneapolis, MN
University of Montana, Missoula, MT
University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada
University of New England, Biddeford, ME
University of Notre Dame, IN
University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
University of Petra, Amman, Jordan
University of Phoenix, AZ
University of Phoenix, AZ
University of Phoenix-Van Nuys, CA
University of Pittsburgh, PA
University of Presov
University of Puerto Rico, Aguadilla, PR
University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
University of Richmond, Virginia, VA
University of Salzburg, Austria
University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines
University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
University of Southern Indiana, Evansville, IN
University of Suwon
University of Toronto, ON, Canada
University of Virgin Islands, Charlotte Amalie, VI
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
University of West Indies-Cave, Cave Hill, Barbados
University of Zagreb, Croatia
University of the West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago
Univiversity of Phoenix, AZ
Upper Iowa University, Fayette, IA
Ursuline College, Pepper Pike, OH
Utah State University, Logan, UT
Utah Valley University (State College), Orem, UT
Vaal University Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa
Valdosta State University, GA
Valencia Community College, Orlando, FL
Valley City State University, ND
Valley View University, Airport-Accra, Ghana
Valparaiso University, IN
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Vermilion Community College, Ely, MN
Vermont Technical College, Randolph Center, VT
Victor Valley College, Victorville, CA
Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Vincennes University, Vencennes, IN
Vincent Pol Univ, Lublin, Poland
Virginia Commonwealth Univ, Richmond, VA
Virginia Polytechnic Inst Stat, Blackburg, VA
Visual College of Art & Design, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Volunteer State Community Coll, Gallatin, TN
Wabash College, Crawfordsville , IN
Wake Technical Community Col, Raleigh, NC
Waldorf University, Forest City, IA
Walla Walla Community College, WA
Walla Walla University, College Place, WA
Wallace State Community Col, Hanceville, AL
Warren County Community Col, Washington, NJ
Washington Adventist Univ, Takoma Park, MD
Washington State Comm Coll, Marietta, OH
Washington State University, Pullman, WA
Washington University, St Louis, MO
Washtenaw Community College, Ann Arbor, MI
Waubonsee Community College, Sugar Grove, IL
Wayland Baptist University, Plainview, TX
Wayne Community College, Goldsboro, NC
Wayne County Community College, Detroit, MI
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
Weimar College, CA
Wenatchee Valley College, WA
Wesley College, Kumasi, Ghana
West Chester Univ Pennsylvania, PA
West Georgia Technical College, Waco, GA
West Hills Community College District, Coalinga, CA
West Indies Univ, St Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago
West Liberty State College, WV
West Los Angeles College, Culver City, CA
West Shore Community College, Scottville, MI
West Valley College, Saratoga, CA
West Virginia Junior College, Morgantown, WV
West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV
Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC
Western Connecticut State Univ, Danbury, CT
Western Governors University, Salt Lake City, UT
Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL
Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
Western Nebraska Comm College, Scottsbluff, NE
Western Philippines University, San Juan, Philippines
Western Piedmont Community Col, Morganton, NC
Western State College Colorado, Gunnison, CO
Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA
Western Wyoming Comm Coll, Rock Springs, WY
Westwood College - Denver Nort, CO
Westwood College - Northlake
Wheaton College, IL
Wichita Area Technical College, KS
Wichita State University, KS
Wilbur Wright College, Chicago, IL
Willamette University, Salem, OR
William Carey College, Hattiesburg, MS
William Paterson Univ of NJ, Wayne, NJ
William Rainey Harper College, Palatine, IL
Williams Baptist College, Walnut Ridge, AR
Wilson College, Chambersburg, PA
Windward Community College, Kaneohe, HI
Winston-Salem State University, Winston Salem, NC
Wollongong Univ (Australia), NSW, Australia
Wood Tobe-Coburn School, New York, NY
Woodbury University, Burbank, CA
Worsham College Mortuary Scien, Wheeling, IL
Wright State University, Dayton, OH
Wytheville Community College, VA
Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
Yale University, New Haven, CT
Yavapai College, Prescott, AZ
Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea (Republic) (S)
York Technical Institute, Rock Hill, SC
York University, North York, ON, Canada
York University, North York, ON, Canada
Young Harris College, GA
Youngstown State University, OH
Yuba College, Marysville, CA
Zaoksky Adventist University, Tulas Region 301000, Russia
Zimbabwe Advanced Level - A Level, Harare, Zimbabwe
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Andrews University Equivalencies